Patrick Hoelck – POTW

I’m late, I’m late again! I must spend my whole life saying this, so I can only apologies for not having posted my Photographer of the Week for the last two weeks but also make no promises that ill be better in the future. So now that’s out the way, onto business. Photographer of the week for last week is Patrick Hoelck.


I think I’ve previously Raved on about my love of Hoelck’s work but for those of you who missed that ill recap 🙂 I first discovered Hoelck’s work through the wonderfulness that is Pintrest (if you’ve not already discovered Pintrest, I urge you to go online and sign up straight away). I was simple searching under Portraiture and the above image came up. I followed the link and was lead to these beautifully simple yet striking images which combine shallow depth of field and soft low moody lighting. For me the sharpness of the detail in the faces paired with the softness where the focus drops off drags your eyes into the image and creates an intensity which not all portraits have.



For me he is also a master of great lighting, creating current and classy images of the many famous stars he photographs.



All these images are inspiration for me and what I aspire to achieve through my own portraits, but what really really makes me love Patrick Hoelck……well his passion for Polaroid of course 🙂 Hoelck has been taking Polaroids all throughout his career and only recently had an exhibition and book published called Polaroid Hotel which pay tribute to this style of art photography, so how could he not be my second Photographer of the Week 🙂




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